What Do We Know about Stochastic Hamiltonian Dynamics ?
Abstract: Dynamical systems are often under the influence of random fluctuations. Stochastic Hamiltonian dynamical systems have attracted a lot of attention recently. The interactions between Hamiltonian structures and uncertainty are leading to fascinating dynamical phenomena. The speaker will overview recent advances in stochastic Hamiltonian dynamics, including impact of noise, symplectic vs contact structures, Hamilton’s principle, and effective reduction.
The existence of full dimensional tori for some Hamiltonian PDEs
Abstract: In this talk, we will discuss the existence of full dimensional tori for some Hamiltonian PDEs
Hausdorff dimension for dynamical Diophantine approximation
Abstract: Dynamical Diophantine approximation concerns the Diophantine properties of the distribution of obits in a dynamical system. As far as the Hausdorff dimension is concerned, in many concrete systems, the dimensional formula always shares a common feature, i.e. the solution of the zero of some pressure function. So whether is this a general principle? In this talk, I will speak of the progress on this topic.
Abstract: TBA
Small mass limit for Hamiltonian and interacting particle systems under non-Gaussian Lévy noise
Abstract: In this talk, we discuss some limit problems of Hamiltonian and interacting particle systems with non-Gaussian noise, which is helpful for the study of complex high dimensional systems. First, we derive the small mass limit equation for a class of dissipative Hamiltonian systems with Lévy noise. By the symmetric structure of the Hamiltonian system, a noise-induced drift term with Poisson integral form is deduced. When the kinetic energy in the Hamiltonian adopts the classical quadratic form, the Hamiltonian system converges to the limit equation in probability under the Skorokhod topology is provided. Second, we derive the small mass limit equation in the mean field sense for a class of interacting microscopic particle systems with Lévy noise. When the Lévy noise is α-stable, we obtain the limit equation with a convergence rate depending on the non-Gaussianity parameter α.
Topological polynomial Wiener-Wintner theorem
Abstract: Using the quasi discrete spectrum of Parry-Hahn, we describe topological dynamical systems whose observations are all orthogonal to polynomial weights.
The positive fundamental group of Sp(2n) and closed geodesics of Hofer's metric
Abstract:In this talk, we examine the homotopy classes of positive loops in Sp(2n). We demonstrate that two positive loops are homotopic if and only if they are homotopic through positive loops. As consequences, we can extend several results of McDuff and Chance to higher dimensional symplectic manifolds without dimension restrictions.
Stark localization of quantum Hamiltonian operator
Abstract:In this talk, I will introduce Wannier-Stark localization of one body quantum system and many-body Stark Localization of many body quantum system.
Hyperbolic motions in celestial mechanics
Abstract:In the mathematical study of celestial mechanics, some of the most important results are about final motions of the celestial bodies as time goes to infinity. The motion is called hyperbolic if the body goes to infinity with some definite asymptotic direction and no-zero asymptotic velocity, as in the Kepler problem. In this talk, we will report some recent progress for hyperbolic motions in the n-body problem and the restricted n+1 body problem.
The long time stability of KAM tori for the derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation
Abstract:The KAM method is a useful way to prove the existence and stability of quasi-periodic solutions for some PDEs. In 2011, Liu and Yuan obtained the KAM tori for some derivative nonlinear Schrödinger equation. In this talk, we will discuss the long time stability of these KAM tori.
Minimal symmetric period problems in Hamiltonian systems
Abstract: In this talk, we will consider the minimal symmetric period problems in Hamiltonian systems. We give some estimates for the minimal symmetric period of P-symmetric period solutions in semipositive case. For certain symplectic and orthogonal matrix P, in the convex and super quadratic case, we obtain the existence of P-symmetric periodic solution with any given minimal symmetric period.
Abstract. Let T : [0, 1] → [0, 1] be an expanding Markov map with a finite partition. A
H¨older continuous potential ϕ induces an invariant Gibbs measure µϕ. For κ > 0, we investigate µϕ-almost surely the size of the uniform approximation set
U κ (x) := {y ∈ [0, 1] : ∀N ≫ 1, ∃n ≤ N, such that |T nx − y| < N −κ }.
The critical value of κ such that the Hausdorff dimension of U κ (x) equals to 1 for µϕ-a.e. x is proven to be 1/αmax, where αmax = − ∫ ϕ dµmax/ ∫ log |T′| dµmax and µmax is the Gibbs measure associated with the potential − log |T′|. Moreover, when κ > 1/αmax, we show that for µϕ-a.e. x, the Hausdorff dimension of U κ (x) as a function of 1/κ agrees with the multifractal spectrum of µϕ. This is a joint work with Yubin He.
Abstract: 结合接触哈密顿系统的弱KAM方法和哈密顿-雅可比方程的粘性解理论,我们近期研究了接触型哈密顿-雅可比方程粘性解的Lyapunov稳定性和不稳定性。进一步,我们研究了周期解的存在性与多重性。
On the dynamics of p-adic holomorphic maps
Abstract: We will talk about our recent results on the characterization of the global dynamics of p-adic sub-hyperbolic rational maps, and a construction of p-adic rational maps with empty Fatou set. This is joint work with Aihua Fan, Shilei Fan, Lingmin Liao and Hongming Nie.
Anderson localization for multi-dimensional quasi-periodic Schrodinger operators
Abstract: In this talk, we will introduce recent progress on Anderson localization theory of quasi-periodic Schrodinger operators on Z^d
Information projection and Onsager--Machlup functional revisited, in connection with Schr\"odinger bridges
Abstract: In this talk, we revisit the constrained information projection with respect to the classical Wiener measure. This information projection corresponds to finding the most probable path of an associated Gibbs measure defined via its Onsager--Machlup functional. We realize the Gibbs measure by a stochastic gradient system, in the two cases when the energy, as a Brownian functional, is either a time integral or a stochastic integral. Both lead to a second-order Hamilton--Jacobi--Bellman equation, which implies that the realization processes are Schr\"odinger bridges. With the help of stochastic geometric mechanics, we build the connections between the Onsager--Machlup minimization problem and the stochastic variational problem with the same Lagrangian through large deviations.
The C^r-closing lemmas for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with 1D-center
Abstract: In this talk, we will introduce the C^r-closing lemma and chain closing lemma for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms with 1-dimensional center bundle. We will also discuss their applications to understanding the dynamics of such systems in C^r-topology.
A new perturbation problem for Hamilton-Jacobi equations and its applications
Abstract: In this talk we discuss a new perturbation problem for convex Hamilton-Jacobi equations and study the behavior of the viscosity solutions. In addition, we apply our results to introduce a linear operator, which provides new insight into constructing and characterizing the solutions.
Group extensions for random shifts of finite type
Abstract: In this talk, I will present a study on the group extensions for topologically mixing random shifts of finite type and consider the natural comparison of relative Gurevič entropies between random group G and Gab=G/[G,G] extensions. We show that the relative Gurevič entropy of random group G extensions is equal to the relative Gurevič entropy of random group Gab extensions if and only if G is amenable. This is a joint work with K. Yang, Z. Lin and X. Zhou.
Jarnik-Besicovitch type theorems for semisimple algebraic groups
Abstract: The Jarnik-Besicovitch theorem in the metric theory of Diophantine approximation states that the set of γ-approximable numbers has Hausdorff dimension 2/(1+γ). In this talk, we discuss a recent result about Jarnik-Besicovitch type theorems for semisimple algebraic groups from the representation-theoretic point of view.