矩阵半张量积及其应用研讨会日程 | |||
1月5日(周日)报到注册 | |||
1月6日(周一) | |||
时间 | 报告人 | 题目 | 主持人 |
8:30-9:00 | 开幕/合影 | ||
9:00-10:00 | 程代展 | 从矩阵半张量积到超代数--1 | 赵建立 |
10:00-10:20 | 茶歇 | ||
10:20-11:20 | 程代展 | 从矩阵半张量积到超代数--2 | 赵建立 |
11:20-12:20 | 午餐 | ||
2:30-3:00 | 冯俊娥 | 半张量积在有限代数及多线性代数中的应用 | 夏建伟 |
3:00-3:30 | |||
3:30-3:50 | 茶歇 | ||
3:50-4:20 | 自由讨论 | ||
4:20-5:00 | |||
5:00-6:00 | 晚餐 | ||
1月7日(周二) | |||
时间 | 报告人 | 题目 | 主持人 |
8:20-9:20 | 郭宇骞 | Control of Logic Dynamical Systems By Random Feedback | 夏承遗 |
9:20-10:10 | 李丽香 | 压缩感知:原理、应用及课题组论文合集 | 朱建栋 |
10:10-10:25 | 茶歇 | ||
10:25-11:25 | 王琳 | 具有群间冲突的网络演化博弈建模与分析 | 朱建栋 |
11:25-12:20 | 午餐 | ||
2:30-3:00 | 陈红委 | 随机布尔控制网络的模型评估 | 赵国栋 |
3:00-3:30 | 孙靓洁 | 基于矩阵半张量积的布尔网络镇定和可重构性问题研究 | |
3:30-3:50 | 茶歇 | ||
3:50-4:20 | 王元华 | 动态环境下博弈收益控制策略的研究 | 赵国栋 |
4:20-5:00 | 于永渊 | 逻辑矩阵方程及其应用 | |
5:00-6:00 | 晚餐 | ||
1月8日(周三) | |||
时间 | 报告人 | 题目 | 主持人 |
9:00-10:00 | 夏承遗 | 演化博弈中的互惠性机制及其新进展 | 钟江华 |
10:00-10:20 | 茶歇 | ||
10:20-11:20 | 朱建栋 | 矩阵半张量积在逻辑控制系统及有限博弈中的应用 | 李丽香 |
11:20-12:20 | 午餐 | ||
2:30-3:00 | 张潇 | Analysis of Discrete-Time Switched Linear Systems Under Logical Dynamic Switching | 李长喜 |
3:00-3:30 | 李长喜 | Continuous-Time Markov Logical Networks: From Fusing Rules To Synchronizing Control | 赵国栋 |
3:30-3:50 | 茶歇 | ||
3:50-4:20 | 刘爱欣 | Decomposition and Equilibrium Analysis of Multi-potential Games 腾讯会议:696-610-522 | 李长喜 |
4:20-5:00 | 蒋春凤 | Identification of Switched Boolean Networks | |
5:00-6:00 | 晚餐 | ||
1月9日(周四) | |||
时间 | 报告人 | 题目 | 主持人 |
9:00-10:00 | 钟江华 | Semi-tensor product of matrices in NFSRs and their based stream ciphers | 郭宇骞 |
10:00-10:20 | 茶歇 | ||
10:20-11:20 | 纪政平 | Identification of Finite-Valued Networks via Bisimulation | 孙长乐 |
11:20-12:20 | 午餐 | ||
2:30-3:00 | 孙长乐 | 基于矩阵半张量积方法的分层模糊匝道控制系统研究 | 张志鹏 |
3:00-3:30 | 乐舒婷 | NFV环境下服务功能链配置问题的博弈方法 | |
3:30-3:50 | 茶歇 | ||
3:50-4:20 | 徐博 | 基于半张量压缩感知的分布式信源联合压缩加密 | 张志鹏 |
4:20-5:00 | 葛爱冬 | 基于半张量积的区间二型模糊系统设计与优化 | |
5:00-6:00 | 晚餐 | ||
1月10日(周五) | |||
时间 | 报告人 | 题目 | 主持人 |
9:00-10:00 | Yerudkar Amol Kerba | On Reinforcement Learning Methods to Control Logical NetworksTopic: Kumming Conference Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 835 9874 7294Passcode: 532032 | 孙长乐 |
10:00-10:20 | 茶歇 | ||
10:20-10:50 | 自由讨论 | ||
10:50-11:20 | |||
11:20-12:20 | 午餐 | ||
2:30-5:00 | 自由活动 | ||
5:00-6:00 | 晚餐 | ||
1月11日(周六)离开 |
Titles and Abstracts
程代展 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院
Abstract: 首先回顾几种不同的矩阵半张量积,讨论它所带来的新的代数结构-超代数。 超代数首先由跨维数的矩阵乘积出发, 得到一种具有多个单位元的矩阵群结构,称之为超群,构造它的分量群与商群。作为推广,讨论泛维数置换群的超群结构。从超群出发,构造超环、超模、超向量空间。我们将这些新的代数结构统称为超代数,它们是对近世代数中相关概念的推广。最后,作为应用,考察非方矩阵的(超)李群,(超)李代数。
冯俊娥 山东大学
Abstract: 首先简单回顾矩阵半张量积的应用领域。 然后讨论矩阵半张量积在多值逻辑的(最小)完备集、有数/无数代数、完美超复数以及有限布尔型代数等方面的应用。最后介绍矩阵半张量积在多线性代数中的应用。
Control of Logic Dynamical Systems By Random Feedback
郭宇骞 中南大学
Abstract: Random feedback for logic dynamical systems is a feedback control strategy in which the control input is randomly selected from the logic domain based on the distribution determined by the output measurements. This strategy can overcome certain limitations of deterministic feedback, particularly when the system is subject to chance constraints. This talk aims to review our recent study on the analysis and design of random feedback for logic dynamical systems. We establish a partial order for the set of random feedback gain matrices, based on which a necessary and sufficient condition for the stabilizability through random output feedback is proposed. Additionally, we present an algorithm based on linear matrix inequalities to compute the optimal stabilizing random output feedback that minimizes a quadratic cost function related to distribution error. Furthermore, we introduce a policy iteration algorithm for logic dynamical systems with chance constraints, which is used to compute the optimal admissible random state feedback that minimizes a discounted cost function. This policy iteration algorithm is also applied to design set-stabilizing random state feedback. Examples demonstrate that the random feedback outperforms the deterministic feedback.
朱建栋 南京师范大学
Abstract: 主要汇报矩阵半张量积在逻辑控制系统及有限博弈中的应用部分应用,主要包括两个方面的研究结果,一是矩阵半张量积在逻辑控制系统理论中的两个应用,即控制系统结构分解即解耦问题;二是矩阵半张量积在有限博弈中应用,包括势博弈、对称博弈及部分对称博弈的判别。
陈红委 东华大学
Abstract: 布尔网络作为基因调控网络的重要模型之一,自Kauffman在1969年提出以来便引起了学者们极大的研究兴趣。随着系统生物学的快速发展,布尔网络已经成为控制领域的研究热点之一。本报告着重讨论随机布尔控制网络的模型评估问题。首先,利用矩阵的半张量积给出随机布尔控制网络的代数形式。基于该代数形式,对于给定的观测序列提出了一种算法来计算该序列由待评估模型产生的概率。考虑到算法在处理模型评估问题时的计算复杂度,利用前后向技术设计了两种递推算法:前向算法和后向算法。此外,我们还引入了规范化因子来解决算法在执行过程中可能出现的数值计算问题。最后,通过一个生物实例来验证所提出的算法在处理模型评估问题时的有效行。
孙靓洁 京都大学
Abstract: 基因调控网络在生命的每一个过程中都起着重要作用,许多基因调控网络建模方法被引入以揭示生物和医学问题。在这些模型中,布尔网络是最简单的模型之一,但可以捕获基因调控网络的大部分动态特征,使其得到广泛研究。本报告主要介绍在噪声采样区间下采样布尔网络的镇定和可重构性,利用时滞的方法研究非周期采样布尔网络的镇定,以及具有随机干扰的布尔控制网络的最佳状态估计问题。
Analysis of Discrete-Time Switched Linear Systems Under Logical Dynamic Switching
张潇 香港理工大学
Abstract: The control properties of discrete-time switched linear systems (SLSs) with switching signals generated by logical dynamical systems are studied using the semitensor product (STP) approach. With the algebraic state-space representation (ASSR), the linear modes and the logical generators are aggregated as a system with hybrid states, leading to the criteria of reachability, controllability, observability, and reconstructibility of the SLSs. Algorithms for checking these properties are given. Then, two kinds of realization problems concerning whether the logical dynamical systems can generate the desired switching signals are investigated, and necessary and sufficient conditions for the realizability of the desired switching signals are given with respect to the cases of fixed operating time (FOT) switching and finite reference signal switching.
于永渊 山东大学
Abstract: 矩阵方程理论是数学中的重要分支, 在控制理论中, 大量问题可通过求解矩阵方程解决, 例如, Lyapunov 方程, Sylvester 方程, Riccati 方程等,这在很大程度上是因为控制系统中的很多问题可以归结到“设计”上,如设计控制器,设计系统等。更一般地,很多数学问题也可以归结到“设计”上,如设计函数,设计指标等。通过矩阵半张量积,有限集上的数学模型,如布尔函数,可以等价地转化为代数表示形式, 从而一些“设计”性的问题可以通过求解半张量积下(逻辑)矩阵方程来解决。本报告总结几类(逻辑)矩阵方程的求解方法,并给出其一系列应用。
夏承遗 天津工业大学
Abstract: 本报告主要介绍演化博弈的相关概念和理论基础,主要关注演化博弈中的互惠性机制以及近年来的新进展。在此基础上,利用新提出的矩阵半张量积(STP)将网络进化博弈动力学转化为代数形式,给出信道时延和零行列式策略对网络演化博弈动力学的影响。相关结果有助于帮助理解复杂网络环境下基于博弈的群体决策与控制问题。
王琳 上海交通大学
Abstract: 在当前全球政治经济格局深刻变化的背景下,冲突的因素显著增长,从政治、经济到军事,都出现了不少强对抗的例子,如互联网上的舆论对抗、供应链的阻断,以及陆、海、空、天、信息五维战场上的网络战等。在信息化和网络化的背景下,对抗双方不再限于简单的个体行为或有限的群体行为,而是置于现代网络化环境下的网络对抗。本报告聚焦于具有群体间冲突的耦合网络演化博弈,初步构建了描述群内博弈与群间攻击的博弈模型,研究了在群体冲突背景下耦合网络演化博弈中的合作涌现、对抗演化以及收益干预等问题。
王元华 山东师范大学
Abstract: 重复博弈的零行列式策略为描述博弈个体的作用关系提供了全新的研究思路。利用矩阵半张量积,我们对动态环境下多人多策略的一般重复博弈进行收益控制策略的分析和设计,从而给出一种有效的、基于代数状态空间表示的全新研究方法。首先,利用矩阵半张量积,构建了动态环境下一般重复博弈的马尔科夫型的代数表示。基于代数模型,研究环境变化和人类行为的相互影响,提出了扩展式零行列式策略的概念,并给出了扩展式零行列式策略的设计公式。最后,将单个控制策略推广到联盟形式的控制策略,分析联盟类型对控制能力的影响,给出相应的设计方法。结果表明,这种策略不仅能够单方面控制对手的期望收益,而且还可以控制处于某一环境下的时间,从而揭示了人口福利和环境质量之间的内在关系。
Modelling of stochastic logical networks
李长喜 山东大学
Abstract: In this paper, we establish the algebraic state space representation (ASSR) of continuous-time Markov logical networks (CT-MNs) constituting a family of Markov chains endowed with network structures, which serves as the theoretical basis for the investigations of several swarm behaviors. We give the notions of coupling Markov property and conditional independent property, under which a CT-MN can be merged as a decentralized continuous-time Markov chain (CT-MC). Moreover, we also present explicit formulas to compute the corresponding transition rate matrix of the augmented CT-MCs. Noticing that several issues of CT-MNs are correspondingly converted into the set stability and stabilization problems of these augmented CT-MCs, the feedback controllers are designed by solving a linear programming problem induced by the Lyapunov functions. As the theoretical applications of the proposed notions, the synchronization of master-slave CT-MNs and output regulation of CT-CMNs are addressed, of which both are ill-posed in the traditional setups. Finally, the effectiveness of our theoretical results is validated by some practical examples.
Decomposition and Equilibrium Analysis of Multi-potential Games
刘爱欣 格罗宁根大学、上海交通大学
Abstract: D.Monderer作为势博弈模型的奠基者之一,于2007年开创性地提出了多势博弈的概念,这一突破标志着博弈论领域的重要进展。多势博弈引入了特定于玩家的成本函数,显著拓展了传统势博弈的应用范围。报告人基于多势博弈的理论范式,提出了一种新型博弈空间分析框架,用于研究有限非合作博弈。该框架通过正交分解,将有限非合作博弈空间划分为多势子空间和多调和子空间,揭示了玩家之间收益协同与冲突的内在关系。此外,框架还系统化地构建了计算多势博弈中各群体收益函数的方法,并以此为基础,探讨了从群体视角分析有限非合作博弈纯纳什均衡的可能性。
Identification of Switched Boolean Networks
蒋春凤 意大利萨尼奥大学
Abstract: In this talk I will introduce the identification of switched Boolean networks (SBNs) in two distinct scenarios: a single-sample scenario, where data are generated from a single initial state, and a multiple-sample scenario, where data originate from multiple initial states. The SBN model examined in this study is more general than traditional SBNs, as each subnetwork exhibits unique state and output dynamics influenced concurrently by switching signals affecting both state and output evolution. First, the reachability and observability properties of SBNs are analyzed, and corresponding detection conditions are proposed. Building on these properties, criteria for identifying SBNs in the single-sample and multiple-sample scenarios are derived. Valid algorithms are subsequently developed to facilitate this identification process.
Semi-tensor product of matrices in NFSRs and their based stream ciphers
钟江华 中国科学院信息工程研究所
Abstract: With the development of computers and communications, information security becomes more and more significant in our society. Stream cipher is a cryptographic approach to protect confidential information from unauthorized or accidental disclosures. Nonlinear feedback shift registers (NFSRs) have taken the place of linear feedback shift registers (LFSRs), and have become popular in the design of stream ciphers, used as their main building blocks. However, due to the complexity of nonlinear feedback and lack of efficient mathematical tools, the theory of NFSRs is not well-developed. Fortunately, the semi-tensor product of matrices has exhibited to be a powerful mathematical tool to analyze NFSRs and their based stream ciphers in our previous work over the last decade. In this talk, we will introduce our progress in using the semi-tensor product of matrices to analyze the cryptographic and efficient properties of NFSRs and apply them to the NFSR-based stream ciphers.
李丽香 北京邮电大学
Abstract: 现代信号处理的一个关键基础是Shannon-Nyquist采样理论,即一个信号可以进行无失真的重构所要求的离散样本数由其带宽决定的。压缩感知作为一个新的采样理论,通过利用信号的稀疏特性,可以在远小于Shannon-Nyquist采样率的条件下,用随机采样获取信号的离散样本,然后通过非线性重构算法完美的重构出原始信号。压缩感知是由菲尔兹奖获得者陶哲轩、IEEE Fellow E. J. Candes和美国科学院院士D. L. Donoho于2004年提出的。该理论一经提出,就引起学术界和工业界的广泛关注,在信息论、图像处理、地球科学、光学、微波成像、模式识别、无线通信、大气、地质等多个领域都有应用。压缩感知被美国科技评论评为2007年度十大科技进展。本次报告首先讲述压缩感知理论的基本原理,重点介绍我们提出的半张量积压缩感知理论,该理论突破了传统压缩感知测量矩阵维数的限制,使压缩感知对信号的处理更加灵活,可以比经典压缩感知更低的采样率对信号进行处理和恢复。本次报告还综述了我们课题组近年来在压缩感知方面的研究进展情况,包括压缩感知在图像处理、数据安全传输、隐私保护、物联网等多个领域的应用情况。
孙长乐 山东女子学院
Abstract: 基于矩阵半张量积方法,程代展研究员对模糊系统展开了本质性的研究,给出了多元模糊关系矩阵的代数表示。在此基础上,我们进一步深化了分层模糊推理方面的探索。本次报告聚焦于基于多元模糊关系矩阵表示方法的分层模糊控制器的可解释性、通用逼近性和结构简化方面的研究。此外,我们还将上述理论成果应用于高速公路入口匝道控制机制设计,缓解交通拥堵问题。
乐舒婷 苏州科技大学
Abstract: 实际网络中,僵化的服务链构建方式难以感知底层网络资源状态。针对这种不确定条件下服务功能链配置问题,在博弈框架下,将其转化为用户竞争选择资源的博弈问题。基于矩阵半张量积,建立相应配置博弈的代数表示和势函数。最后给出相应博弈问题的均衡求解方法及寻找期望解的显式方案。
徐博 海南大学
Abstract: 针对无线分布式瞬态压力测试系统中数据传输的安全高效性与无线网络开放性及带宽有限间的矛盾,利用半张量压缩感知技术设计一种新的分布式信源联合压缩加密方案。在保证压缩感知重构精度和安全性的前提下,该方案不仅可以将测量矩阵所需的存储空间和消耗的计算资源分别减少至传统分布式压缩感知的1/32和1/8,且可以通过调整不同分量的测量数来平衡重构质量、压缩率以及消耗的系统资源,提供了一种灵活高效的联合压缩加密框架。
On Reinforcement Learning Methods to Control Logical Networks
Yerudkar Amol Kerba 浙江师范大学
Abstract: Decision-making problems are ubiquitous in production and life and, therefore, have been studied in different fields, usually to design formal procedures that lead to optimal decisions. One such method is reinforcement learning, which can be viewed as both machine learning and optimal control methods. Reinforcement learning (RL) is a sampling-based method for solving Markov decision processes (MDPs), i.e., when an agent receives a reward given its current situation (state), and a chosen decision (action), the study of this problem is meaningful because the current action affects the future state and, in turn, the future reward. Model-free RL provides an exhaustive framework for devising therapeutic methods to alter the regulatory dynamics of gene regulatory networks (GRNs), which are modeled as logical dynamical systems.
Identification of Finite-Valued Networks via Bisimulation
纪政平 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院
Abstract: We propose identification and realization methods for higher dimensional finite-valued networks based on probabilistic bisimulation, which for the first time canceled the observability assumption in the network identification problem. An upper bound for the number of inner nodes is presented under input-output equivalence, and online identification algorithms are designed to realize the inner state space from the observed data.、
葛爱冬 齐鲁工业大学信息与自动化学院
Abstract: 与传统模糊系统(一型模糊系统)相比,区间二型模糊系统拥有更强的不确定性处理能力。区间二型模糊系统是二型模糊系统的简化形式,尽管与二型模糊系统相比,它的概念和运算过程更加简单,但其模糊推理仍然较为复杂。本报告基于矩阵半张量积理论,介绍多变量区间二型模糊系统的建模、设计与应用、区间二型分层模糊系统的研究,以及区间二型模糊关系矩阵的优化等。